Just Thinkin'

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I wrote this in 2013 on one of my Facebook posts but wanted it here on my blog...it still touches my heart!

While washing a ton of dishes this morning that I had left in the sink a couple of days...I started wishing I had a dishwasher and thinking about a load of clothes I had in the washing machine that I was going to have to hang out on the clothesline after that got me to thinking about how much I would like to have a dryer plug and vent in the house so I could have a dryer. I guess everyone wishes for things they don't have but in the midst of all this daydreaming I started thinking about that none of these modern conveniences existed as little as 100 years ago. All women had to haul water to wash the dishes and clothes by hand and really had a hard life just trying to get a meal on the table. I remember as a child going to my grandparents house and there was no running water inside the house and you had to go out into the middle of a cow pasture to use the outhouse...scared me to death to try to avoid the cows and most of all the bull...it was like risking your life to pee...lol I started looking at the water coming out of the tap that was running over my hands and thanked God for the blessing of running water and the washing machine that washes my clothes for me. The house was good and cool with air conditioning...something my grandparents never had till later years. Well, I finished up those dishes and thanked God for all my blessings and was humbled by the fact that I have more than some and not as much as others but the good Lord takes care of us all and loves us all and for that we ought to be thankful. Yesterday Daniel and I went to Wal-Mart and on the corner there was a man holding up a sign that read something like: "Will work for food...any help appreciated." We passed on by him but the Lord spoke to my heart and I made Daniel turn around and we were scraping up what we could and gave it to the man and I believe that he was truly grateful. I explained to Daniel how you never know when you are entertaining Angels unaware. God Bless and have a wonderful day. I know this has been a long post but thank you for reading.

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