Pet Peeves

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That an ordinary citizen can legally go out and buy and M-16 assault rifle.

When parents keep loaded guns in their houses.

Seeing knives out on the counter in a Butcher Block for the murder to just grab and stab you to death.

Men that leave the lid up so you fall in in the middle of the night.

People that set glasses down on your good furniture and leave a ring.

Parents that spank their children in the grocery store and tell them to be quiet...DUH!!!

When people leave just a little bit of toilet paper on the just so they won't have to change it.

When you take up my whole Facebook page with pictures of stuff that only matters to you. (o.k. I like a funny joke ever now and then.)

When you are working on the computer and someone you don't like keeps instant messaging you.

When you are watching a good show on Satellite and it starts raining "hard", Crap!

Cooking for someone only to have them push their plate back after 3 bites and saying, "I just can't eat another bite."

People that throw their trash out the car window.

When you are talking to someone and they are staring off into space.

When you ask your kids a hundred times to do something and they don't but do it the first time someone else ask them to.

When you have been talking to someone for 15 minutes and they look at you and go "Huh?"

People that eat or prepare food without washing their hands.

When you go to Wal-Mart and ask an associate for help and they look at you and say, "I'm on lunch." What? Can't you just point me in the right direction?

When I'm eating out and the waitress is flirting with my husband. (or date)

When I'm in the department store and a salesclerk ask me if I need any help and I tell her no and she follows me around anyway.

When the neighbors dog does their business under your clothesline.

When someone takes 5 minutes to unwrap a tiny piece of candy in church.

When someone clips their fingernails in church.

When people smoke on the church steps and throw their cigarette butts in the yard.

When preachers have an affair with a church member's wife.

When you take your kids to the County Fair and some sleeze is hollering at you to come and play their craps game.  What? Does it look like I'm gambling today?

When people make fun of the way someone looks.

When I'm sitting out on the front porch trying to have a quiet moment and the neighbor comes over to talk.

When movers ding up your furniture.

When you see someone you used to date and your thighs catch on fire. :)

People that steal stuff you worked hard for.

Men that don't hold the door open for women.

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