Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chocolate Gravy

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I remember this treat from my childhood.  My sisters and I would always beg my mother to make Chocolate Gravy for breakfast or anytime for that was a great fan of canned biscuits but don't worry it taste great over them too. I don't think she ever added vanilla to the gravy but I saw it added on a recipe I looked at the other day and thought it might be good.  When I made this batch I tasted of the gravy without vanilla and it was delicious then I added the vanilla and it was also delicious with more of a chocolate bar's your choice...either way you will not be disappointed! This is the Chocolate Gravy that I used to make my kids when they were little...I guess I just figured out the recipe by trial and error which is the best way to learn.

Chocolate Gravy

1/2 stick butter or margarine
2 Tbsp. Flour
3 Tbsp. Hershey's Powdered Cocoa
1/2 cup Sugar
2 cups Milk
Pinch of Salt
1/2 tsp. Vanilla (optional)

Cooking Instructions:

Over medium heat place butter in sauce pan...let melt...add the flour.  Cook that for a minute to get the flour taste out.

Add the sugar, cocoa, salt and milk. Stir. (It will look like a big mess but don't will all come together as it heats up.)

Keep stirring till it reaches a boil and let it boil another minute or two. It might try to get out of the pan...just stir it back down and be sure to keep the bottom stirred good or it might stick. I use a heat proof spatula and stay with it stirring constantly. Just before taking it off the heat add the vanilla...if you add it earlier it will just cook away. Give it a few more stirs to get all that vanilla goodness in there. 

Just like white gravy...if it looks a little too thick just add a little more milk and cook another minute. As you can see in the picture it kind of has a glossy look when it's done. After you pour it out into a bowl be sure to cover it or it will have a skim over the top. 

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