Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Southern Sweet Tea

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I got this recipe from a church friend named Dorothy...she went on to be with the Lord a few months ago but she was a good cook and her recipes live on.

We used to have our church ladies meeting at a different home every week. That lady would be the host of the week and everyone would bring something to snack on. So, this particular week, we were at Glenda's house and everyone was bragging on the sweet tea.  After much begging Dorothy finally gave us all the secret to her fabulous tasting sweet tea. I have followed her recipe to this day. And YES...there is a BIG difference in the brands...so find the one you like best.

Another Tea Tip:  A woman "also named Dorothy" gave me a good tip about boiling tea bags. She said if you pull the paper tabs off the top of the string and tie them all together...it makes it easy to get them all in and out of the pan at the same time.

Southern Sweet Tea

4 family size tea bags  (She used Luzianne & so do I)
2 cups sugar
lemon (if desired)

Tie tea bags together and place in medium saucepan of cold water. (about 2 quarts of water...does not have to be exact...you just want enough to seep the good flavor out of those tea bags.)

Bring to boil and then take off heat and let set for 5 minutes.

Place the 2 cups of sugar in the bottom of a gallon pitcher and pour the hot tea over the sugar...stir till sugar is completely dissolved.

Add water till it reaches the top...stir again.

Makes 1 gallon of Southern Sweet Tea.

Note:  Please don't let your eyeballs fall out when I say 2 cups of sugar...you know what the guys say in the South..."they like their women and their tea sweet"...lol

I serve my sweet tea in Mason Jars.  Yep! Welcome to the South!

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